Cupola Productions
Cupola Productions was initially created in 2010 to produce Jonathan Stedall’s film ‘The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner’. As well as making this documentary for worldwide distribution through Television, DVDs and the Internet, this non profit-making company hopes to make available, to those interested in Rudolf Steiner’s insights and indications, some of the unused material – in particular over thirty of the unedited interviews filmed during the making of the documentary – for educational and training purposes.
We are currently offering English speaking Waldorf schools across the world our DVD 'Waldorf Education' free of charge (excluding postage) for those who would like to find out more. This DVD is a compilation of sequences from the main film. Please contact Sue Smee by email:
In the USA
Tax deductible donations can be made to The Triskeles Foundation – Steiner Film Fund. Mail to 707 Eagleview Blvd, Suite 105, Exton PA 19341 Tel 610 321 9876
In the UK
Please send donations to Hermes Trust, The Old Painswick Inn, Gloucester Street, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 1QG (please mark the back of your cheque Rudolf Steiner Film. If you are a UK taxpayer please fill in a Gift Aid form to enhance the value of your donation. You can also donate online at
For further information please contact Sue Smee, Production Manager, Cupola Productions, Ruskin Mill, Old Bristol Road, Nailsworth GL6 0LA. Tel: 00 44 (0)7977 174729